Wednesday, 22 May 2013

how to feel about Justin Bieber

With the most followers on Twitter, a strong base of adoring fans, host of number 1 songs, you would have thought Justin Bieber’s success would make him unstoppable and untouchable. Sometimes it even seems like he thinks that himself - trying to get the 14 year old Jaden Smith into a nightclub, and bringing an illegal pet monkey with him into Germany - yet Bieber has become an international hate figure for tabloids everywhere.

Sure, lots of people hate on successful stars: they’re jealous, what do you expect? JB is 19 years old and yet has played shows all over the whole world and went out with Selena Gomez; of course people will be jealous. I'm 18 and the biggest achievement I can boast of is that I managed to eat about five different puddings today one after the other. Justin is so successful that he can tweet, ‘love music’ and get 114,000 retweets - that's the dream.

Yet, the hate towards J-Biebz seems to be more than just jealousy. Th crazy dispelling of his ‘good-boy’ image has got him in trouble with the media and his fans on many occasions. I mean, he turned up late to a London concert. All his fans are about 5 and had to go home. Imagine how many little girls he made cry. Just imagine it. A mother was even forced to say:‘We were all fans, and now we hate him’. Absolutely devastating.

He also insulted Anne Frank by writing in the comment book of the museum that he hopes she would have been a ‘belieber’ and, instead of apologizing, posted photos of himself topless on Instagram. Lol. Here's the linkz

Then there is the stuff with our favourite Canadian attacking the paparazzi. Whilst the real question here is why Justin was dressed almost entirely in red, we’ve also got to ask why a worldwide superstar, who has already had some bad press, would tell a great big guy with a camera that he is going to ‘f*** you up’. No Justin, you won’t. Don’t even try. I mean, I've taken the 'how many justin bieber's could you beat up?' test and I got 27, and I'm not even very strong.

It can definitely be agreed that the Biebernator is tactless. And at some points a complete idiot - the Swedish police recently found drugs on his tour bus. But he’s young, and we all make mistakes, right? (Although I've never made a single mistake in all my days) Justin has been famous since he was 14 with floppy hair and a high voice, surely we can cut him some slack and give him a break down after his split from Selena?

His embarrassingly frequent apologetic tweets seem to be heartfelt and remind us that he is only 19 and doesn’t really know what he’s doing. “My relationship with the media is not always easy but im trying. Im all about the music and the performance and i respect my fans [sic]” he wrote after being two hours late on stage at a London show. He heroically carried on after being attacked on stage in Dubai recently (although the piano did miraculously continue playing even after it was thrown to the ground in the scuffle, and his voice did not waver in the slightest.)

Then again, he is also arrogant and conceited and keeps wandering around shirtless, which leaves us in a muddle about how to feel.

All in all, although I’m sure the Biebster is a nice guy at heart and does not deserve all the devastating hate that he receives daily, but he is also very lucky to have such loyal/crazy/obsessive Beliebers. He needs to sort himself out and stop behaving like the lovechild of Li-Lo and Britney if he wants to keep them.

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