In case you don't know what Omegle is, it is a website on which you talk to total randomers - basically a form of MSN for strangers. After finding out about it a few years ago when I religiously read MLIA.com (if you do not know what this is then you have not lived) I have always asked myself the question, 'who actually goes on omegle?'
Obviously we all go on omegle from time to time to distract ourselves from pure boredom aka homework, or to troll it and have a laugh (awkward pause when I realise that this is, in fact, just me) but I have always wondered who the rest of the people are. If you log onto the website right now, there will probably be 10k+ people on it, and I'm sure we've all wondered,
So, on behalf of the entire world (I like to think) I went onto omegle and tried to get a feel for the kind of people that genuinely go on it. Obviously a few of them could have been people like me (aka nerds who thinks they're funny and are bored) but by having about twenty conversations with people I think I must've got together a selection of data that is representative of the population of this sad, sad website (the fact that I spent my afternoon having 20 conversations with total, and lets face it very weird strangers also probably says something about me, too). My conversations (or most of them) are posted below. And no, reading them is definitely not going to restore your faith in humanity. In fact it may destroy it:
This was the first one I asked, and in response to the 'teenage drama' I was thinking, 'wow, omeglers really are normal people with pretty, generic and cliched problems! Woo, they are not freaks!'
I spoke too soon. |
Again, pretty generic and much appreciated by me (just to add, I did actually have to go to supper.) |
I didn't know what to say to this. |
Pretty devastating but I got used to rejection... |
I think that this is the most common of all the conversations. I was new to the idea at this point and therefore could not think of a great response, so opted for just declining and thanking him for the offer. After all, I don't want to be rude. |
Again, very boring, and I got asked, 'r u wet' by so many people that I didn't bother putting them in as they depressed me. |
Omeglers have feelings too... |
I'm just hoping that this person has a really weird sense of humour. |
After the pervious horrifying experience involving incest I decided to change the question so that I wouldn't get scarred again. |
I admit it, at this point I was getting annoyed and creeped out. |
That was not what I was thinking when I awkwardly brought up politics. Still, I learnt that omeglers think that pedophiles talk about stuff like that, so I left it out after this incident. I think what makes this worse is that he took about ten minutes to craft this message. |
This restored my faith in humanity a little bit more, however the fact that this person (who actually turned out to be kind of normal?!?!?!?!?!?!) was surprised to find someone else normal does not bode well for the world of Omegle. |
In conclusion, I feel that this link, which pops up when you've been disconnected from someone, really sums up the world of Omegle: