Thursday, 23 February 2012

Why anyone willingly participates in 'NEVER HAVE I EVER'

For those of you who have, fortunately, never encountered 'Never Have I Ever', it is a drinking game in which everyone sits in a circle with a drink and you go around announcing things that you’ve done (or that you haven’t done, idk the rules seem to change every-time I am roped into playing it) and when you’ve done something that someone else announces, you have to drink. I think the point of it is to (a) get drunk fast, and (b) see what other people have ‘done’.
However, aside from these two objectives of the game, I have absolutely no idea why anyone would choose to play it. When I was talking about this in the common room with some friends of mine, loads of them said that the point was so that you could see what other people had ‘done’, but the problem with this is that people can very easily lie in this game! In fact, you don’t even have to be convincing, all you need to do is drink or not drink at the appropriate times. I remember one time I took a sip of something as someone did a ‘never have I ever’ and about three people turned around and went, ‘No way, have you seriously?!’ I didn't really realise what was going on at first (classic) and so sort of awkwardly laughed, and to this day I have absolutely no idea what I accidentally owned up to in that game. If someone has done something embarrassing, or is keeping something on the DL, then all they have to do is not drink!
Another problem with the game is that undoubtedly you are sitting in a circle with people that you don’t really know (which is why they wouldn’t just tell you the gossip about themselves in the first place) and therefore, you don’t really particularly care about knowing anything about. The last time I played this game I learned a whole load of things that, to be honest, I’d rather not know about people. It’s kind of weird seeing them the next day and thinking, ‘I KNOW SO MUCH ABOUT YOU’.
There’s also the problem in that I always end up panicking the entire time anyone else is speaking, racking my brains trying to think of something that no one else has said. You’ve got to say something that lots of people have done, or else no one drinks and then they get annoyed with you because everyone is just sitting there sober playing some sort of twisted children’s game, but you can’t say something too boring or else they get annoyed because it’s dull, and no one cares that, ‘never have I ever sat on a chair’.
Then there’s the problem when, about ten minutes into the game, you give up, claim you don’t care what these people think of you, and admit the mediocre, ‘never have I ever sat on a chair’. To this there is always an awkward pause, as people wonder whether, because the line was so bad, they should bother honouring it by drinking to it, or whether they should just ridicule you. It ends up as a mixture between both - everyone drinks but you get ridiculed anyway. People around you look at you like ‘oh my god there is a freak in our midst, she has totally misunderstood the concept of the game and I am sitting near her - WHAT IF PEOPLE THINK WE ARE FRIENDS?!'

Inevitably the (evil) organiser of the game takes pity on you for being such a nerd, moves the game along and you’re sitting there in a group of people that you don’t really know/like wanting to shout I SWEAR I AM NORMALLY MORE FUN THAN THIS.
You look around at this group of people, who sort of look a bit nervous and worried too,, and wonder if they are thinking the same thing as you. Of course, you cannot say, ‘this is a stupid game, isn’t it?’ to the person sitting next to you, just in case they turn around and go, ‘well yeah I suppose it is if you’re so boring that you can’t think of anything to say ever’. So you’re all just sitting there, probably thinking the same thing, and dreading the next time your turn comes up. 

Of course, all of this panic means that you miss the incredible piece of gossip that was revealed suddenly, and spend the rest of the evening going, ‘but what did she actually say?!’ to people, until you give up because they’ve all passed out from drinking too much, but you’re still sitting there, holding your glass of vodka and coke, because you never did drink any of it just in case you drank at the wrong time, and everyone really did think that one time a guy paid you for sex.

Saturday, 18 February 2012

Why there is so much hate against DWD

As a joke, at Reading Festival 2011 me and my friend Issie created an emo band, DWD (Die World Die), and since August this band has flourished into an incredible invention that is going to/has revolutionise the music industry! We write emo songs such as:
Es and Esther on the day that the band was created.
Time is Just a Countdown to Death
I Hate Everything (Dubstep Remix)
What’s the point in Life?
And others that I can’t remember right now... 
Because it is Issie’s birthday today, I’ve decided to publish the song that I wrote for her on this (because I’m super adorable like that). So, forever remembered (for better or for worse) on this website:
I dont know how to be cool,
Or how to be smart,
Going to school
I feel awkward and apart,
From everybody else
Who ever did see me
They think that I’m a loser
But they just dont get me

Since I was young
A little kid of five
I’ve wanted nothing more
Than to just fucking die
I dont wanna live this life I’ve got
Wasting time and just smoking pot
I’m bored
I’m restless
I’m just fucking useless cus
My momma dont want me
And I’m dead to my dad
My little sister and my brother, they think I’m going mad

But nobody understands me
They think I dont care
When really I would
But I just dont dare
Everything was taken from me
Everything I loved
Everything was broken or gone
til I met you, bruv
You fixed my heart
You opened my eyes
I dont know what I’d do without you
I’d just fucking die
I wait until the end
I wait till I see the light
But mate, with you, I’d put up a fight
I know I shouldn't say this
I’m only supposed to hate
But, bruv, I cant deny, you are one swell band mate

DISCLAIMER: I dont actually think this is good/cool or that I am good/cool.
Shout out to our number 1 fan SUKY, and the hater that will always be there for us, DAVID. U guyz mean a lot xox

Have a great day Issie, I love you! x

Sunday, 12 February 2012

Why there's so much hate against TWILIGHT

‘Before you, Bella, my life was like a moonless night. Very dark, but there were stars - points of light and reason... And then you shot across my sky like a meteor. Suddenly everything was on fire; there was brilliancy, there was beauty. When you were gone, when the meteor had fallen over the horizon, everything went black. Nothing had changed, but my eyes were blinded by the light. I couldn't see the stars anymore. And there was no more reason for anything.’ - pretty deep quote from Eclipse 
I’m going to start by clarifying that I do not think that Twilight is a great work of literature or even, to be honest, well-written at all (emphasised by the trainwreck which, sadly, is Breaking Dawn) and I am not a ‘Twilighter' who thinks that vampires are real/that I am going to marry Edward Cullen/ that I am Bella/ that I would even want to be Bella, or that the story isn’t full of plot-holes. I didn’t even realise that people like this existed, until I read on some forum that a fangirl cut herself whilst shaving her legs, and instead of clearing the blood up, wiped it on her mouth so she could pretend to be a vampire that had just been ‘feeding’. This scares me.
HOWEVER, I would describe myself as a (moderate) fan of the franchise and, as a moderate fan, I resent the hate that is channeled into it. Because I am a history student (and a n00b) I will now provide you with a few main reasons as to why I think the hatred for Twilight is both unjustified and ridiculous:
  1. Most of the ‘haters’ used to think it was cool: I started out as a cynic of Twilight  and when it first came out it was the COOL thing to read (tbf this is in year 9 in an all-girls West-London private school) and then suddenly, everyone started hating it, and it was an embarrassment to say that you were a bit of a fan. I remember I shyly admitted that I quite liked the books to this girl she said, ‘Oh! You’ve gone down in my estimations!’ Aside from being absolutely devastating, I thought it was unfair because she probably liked the books too before it became socially unacceptable.
  2. People who hate it often haven’t read it: If you’ve just read extracts of Twilight and think that it is bad, then all I would say is that, of course you think it’s bad - the writing is fan-fiction-y! The redeeming factor is that you get swept along with the story so well that you hardly even notice the anomalies and cringey extracts that make you squirm ("Don't be afraid,' I murmured. 'We belong together.' I was abruptly overwhelmed with the truth of my own words. This moment was so perfect, so right, there was no way to doubt it. His arms wrapped around me, holding me against him, summer and winter. It felt like every nerve ending in my body was a live wire. 'Forever,' he agreed, and then pulled us gently into the water.' - taken from the joke that is Breaking Dawn - I'd also like to point out that I didn't even have to go looking for a cringey bit, this was on the page that I opened at.
  3. People compare it to Harry Potter: This is ridiculous - why are the two ever compared? It’d be like comparing Inception to Cinderella merely because they’re both films.
  4. People don’t know what it’s about: People get all their information about Twilight off crap newspapers or badly written, one-sided blogs where the writer hasn’t done sufficient research and is merely ranting at you (self-deprecating jokes FTW). Sure on the surface Twilight looks like a pro-Christian, pro-abstinence, poorly written story about (as a great facebook group put it) a girl’s choice between necrophilia and beastiality, but it isn’t (really). Edward Cullen is also not a 108-year-old virgin who wants to control Bella, marry her when she is basically still a child and then impregnate her with his vampire spawn... Well he sort of is but it has all been taken out of context!
Personally I think that the allegations made against Twilight are, although quite hilarious, kind of unfair. Stephanie Meyer didn’t write it in order to get all the teenagers in the world to get married before having sex, she didn’t write it knowing that it would become a bestseller meaning that every single word used would be analyzed etc.

 I think that Twilight has been hyped up too much so that people no longer understand that, at the end of the day, it is just a teen romance novel that cheers you up a bit.

Thursday, 9 February 2012

How everyone suddenly seems to understand innuendoes

I am probably in the minority here, but I am sure that there are more people like me who are keeping their heads down and laughing along with the joke that they do not get -- yep, you guessed it, we are the people who do not ‘get’ innuendoes.
Of course, I am not suggesting that a good old ‘your mum’ or ‘that’s what she said’ comment is lost on me, but the constant exchange of innuendoes between people at school and outside of school often goes way over my head. It has to be said that the worst incident involving me not getting a sexual reference was in an English lesson in Year 12, when we were learning about Hardy’s novel, ‘Tess of the D’Urbevilles’. Doing a presentation on Phase the Third, I remember clearly, I was standing at the front of the class reading out key quotes and then analysing them. The one which contained the sexual reference, and the comment after which got me the (thankfully short-lived) nickname of ‘innuendo Queen’ was one about Tess picking up a glove, hitting Alec with it and causing, 'a scarlet oozing to appear where the blow had alighted.' I then commented that, ‘this could be representing how Tess is finally repaying Alec for all of the blows that he caused her.’ There was a brief silence, and then an eruption of laughter across the class, which even the teacher joined in, as everyone thought I was making a joke about how Alec and Tess had, in fact, had sex. Most people in that class probably don’t remember the incident, but I still sometimes replay it in my mind, never failing to blush.
The question is, how on earth does get these references, and know what these words mean?! It seems that one day we were all laughing at knock-knock jokes, and the next laughing about the fact that, ‘oh they got to fifth base’. What on earth is ‘fifth base’? Why would I ever know that, having had no need to express it in my life before this exact moment?
My only explanation for all of this is that everyone was provided with a letter on their fourteenth birthday of innuendoes and words that they should know, now that they have become a proper teenager. Like my letter of acceptance to Hogwarts, mine was clearly lost in the post. So I thought that for all of you whose letters were also mysteriously missing, I would make a list of words that you should be aware of incase they come up in conversation, and you have the awkwardness of attempting to get one of your friends to explain exactly what a ‘rim job’ is to you (never ask someone this unless you both want to die of embarrassment.)
(Note: this list is solely made up of searches I have made in
  • DSL
  • bukake
  • rim job
  • pearl necklace
  • blem
  • kino
  • bunder
  • poke ball
  • queef
  • grower vs shower
  • fap
  • 5th base
  • orgasmic
  • hooned
  • peng
  • shunter

So, for all of you who are as innocent as I am, read up! Or else you could end up in an awkward situation such as this:
(this may be a conversation that I had with someone on Facebook chat when we were talking about applying to university..)
  • Person 1:
    • and i reckon you'll be offered a place [at university] anyway lol
  • Me:
  • Person 1:
    • ..with your as grades..
    • Me:
      • please tell me you have touched wood!
    • Person 1:
      • yes
      • but also btw
      • i read that
      • and forgot about the context
        • and was like
      • Me
        • wait why is that inappropriate?!
      • Person 1:
        • lol - wood
        • touching of
          • its grim
        • Me:
          • ngl i have absolutely no idea what youre talking about!
        • Person 1:
          • omfg
          • i could spell it out but i wont
            • :P
          • Me:
            • come on you have to now!
          • Person 1:
            • its so awf!
          • Me:
            • cmon!
            • Person 1:
              • ffs
            • Me:
              • :(
            • Person 1:
              • wood = erect penis
            • Me:
              • OH!
              • hahahaha
              • Person 1:
                • are you touching wood
              • Me:
                • OH I GET IT
              • Person 1:
                • sweet jesus camilla
              • Me:
                • OH wow that would be inappropriate
                • --------------------------------------------

WHAT I LEARNT FROM THIS EXPERIENCE: if you do not get a reference like this, NEVER EVER ask the person to explain it to you.